A Blip in an Ocean of Silence

Rendezvous with Rama – Arthur C. Clarke A strange object appears in the solar system and a group of scientists is sent to explore it. A good premise and combine this with A. C. Clarke’s writing style and you might guess my final opinion. He’s 3 for 3 in my books. There is such simplicity…

Shadow and Claw

The Book of the New Sun – Gene Wolfe The Shadow of the Torturer (#1) and The Claw of the Conciliator (#2) My usual length of review simply won’t work for these two books. I can either do a 10-page review for which I don’t have time, and for which I would need to re-read…

Two Eternities

MDC readalong book for February was Joe Haldeman’s Forever War. This was not my first meeting with this book – years ago I tried to read it, or listen to it I should say. But that was the book where I realized that I’m not really good at following SF books in audio, so I…

A long time ago

In a galaxy far far away My experience with Star Wars started like most of my generation, with watching episodes IV-VI on TV and then being excited to watch episode I in the cinema… but the excitement was short-lived. Episodes I-III were OK, but nowhere near the originals. Yeah, they had the fancy schmancy CGI…

Pain and Fado

This book first appeared on my radar aaaaages ago when Croatian TV showed the Brasilian series that adapted it. I was intrigued by the plot and the actors and everything (plus it being in Portuguese helped – that is just a gorgeous language). Some time later I discovered online shopping and I ordered the book….

Popcorn and Giant Lizards

Kaiju Preservation Society – John Scalzi Expected publication date: 15 March 2022 The newest John Scalzi book came my way courtesy of NetGalley and Macmillan-Tor/Forge. Thanks. If you go to Goodreads the blurb (I will not give you the very spoilery part of it, no worries) will tell you this: When COVID-19 sweeps through New…

Deep in the Shady Sadness of a Vale

Hyperion – Dan Simmons (Hyperion Cantos #1) We’re starting this review like many more before… my friends have been talking about Dan Simmons’s Hyperion for ages, so I decided to read it. I was about to order it for myself when a wonderful new friend sent it to me for my bday (a wonderful present,…

Killer Nursery Rhymes

There is not much I can say about 23rd and 25th Poirot book that I haven’t said about the previous ones. There’s a murder and there’s the detective and the guilty person and the final confrontation. Not much new under the sun… So let’s instead focus on two completely different things in these novels. Breadcrumbs…

The Wheel Wills Not

The Eye of the World (November 2021)The Great Hunt (December 2021)The Dragon Reborn (January 2022) Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time is all over the booktube and other media – partly because of the TV series that just came out, partly because of its fame for being ginormous and slog-prone. I was intrigued by the premise…

BigBoy Hamiltons

The Commonwealth Saga books Pandora’s Star and Judas Unchained were the MDC readalong books in December 2021 and January 2022. Peter F. Hamilton (PFH) is famous, or should I say infamous, for the size of his books. Some call them doorstoppers, others refer to them as squirrelkillers…. I just think of them as “never skip…

Surprises in MiddleEarth

I don’t think there is anyone reading this review who hasn’t at least watched the Lord of the Rings movies, so there is no spoiler warning here. But there is a length warning instead. This might be the longest review I’ve ever written, so buckle in… This was my third reading of the Fellowship. The…

When You Fall…

…You Fly A Game of You (Sandman #5) – Neil Gaiman… After the blast I’ve had with the first 4 volumes of Sandman (despite the spine freezingly, stomach churningly awful diner scene) this one just didn’t hit the spot for me. We are in New York with a group of characters including a trans woman,…